Videos for companies

Pymes, freelancers, startups or large companies. Today, video is an indispensable tool in the online marketing strategy of any business. Thanks to them, it is possible to increase both the reach of a brand and the traffic to a company's website.

They have the ability to convey information in a clearer, more entertaining and effective way than other media, such as text or static images. They can show products or services in action, explain their features and benefits in a more concrete and detailed way, and generate a higher level of trust and engagement from consumers.

They are able to capture the attention of the audience very well, which makes them highly shareable on social networks. Given their greater ability to generate emotions and connect with the audience compared to other types of content, they are more likely to be shared and even go viral.

As experts in audiovisual content, we design videos that reflect the products, objectives and values that define your company. We advise you on the format that best suits your needs, and we take care of the entire process, from the script to post-production and distribution.


Corporate videos

We help you project your company's image, differentiating you from the competition and reinforcing your corporate identity.

Corporate videos will raise awareness and consolidate your brand image, make information reach your customers more easily, show your products and services in an attractive and modern way, increase your visibility and improve your market positioning.

Videos for events

We record product presentations, talks, meetings, launches, anniversaries, trade fairs and congresses... Any activity you want to record, either to hand out to attendees or to post on the internet.

Videos for events will give greater visibility to your products and services, build trust with your customers, and enhance the visibility of your brand and reinforce its recognition.

Promotional videos

We prepare videos designed to publicise your products and services, and even your brand and your company. This type of audiovisual content has a positive tone and seeks to create interest in the audience.

Promotional videos will show the features and benefits of what is being promoted in a creative and attractive visual form, increasing brand awareness, personalising it and differentiating it from the competition. They can also be used on your website and social media channels, helping to increase user engagement.

Educational videos

We create videos that, apart from promoting products and services, provide your audience with useful and valuable information on a specific topic. These can be tutorials, courses or informative videos.

Educational videos will demonstrate the experience and knowledge of your brand and company in their field and will provide added value to users, increasing their trust and loyalty to your brand. They can also be shared and distributed on social networks, increasing visibility.

Testimonial videos

We present, in first person, the experience of someone who has used one of your products or services. Its purpose is to persuade the audience through their opinions.

Testimonial videos will generate trust and credibility in your company or brand and will answer the most common questions that potential customers ask about a product or service. They will also help to overcome common objections and doubts when making a purchase decision.

Animated videos

We provide you with videos that, instead of real people, use animation techniques to tell a story or present information. They are very versatile and can cartoon, motion graphics or computer animation.

Animated videos can be customised to suit your brand and business needs and will simplify complex information to make it easy to understand and visually appealing. This will help keep users' attention. They will also be suitable for use on different channels: websites, email, social media...


If you would like to receive a video quote or need to know more about the different services we provide, please fill in the following form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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