TLL Media Solutions Network have extensive experience in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). We use proven optimization techniques that are designed to work correctly with search engine "Acceptable Use Policies". As Internet users, we are strongly opposed to any behaviour that would reduce the effectiveness of a search engine.

Since January 2007, TLL Media Solutions Network, S.L. has implemented the following ethical policy:

  • We are committed to delivering organic search engine optimization campaigns that allow our clients' websites to be visible in a way that is beneficial to the client and most importantly to the end user.
  • We will thoroughly explore the search terms to determine which are the most relevant and appropriate. We will only recommend search terms, which have a beneficial effect on the client's campaign and marketing objectives.
  • We will provide strategy recommendations based on acceptable SEO practice, which benefits the client's search engine visibility in the long term.

This will include, wherever possible, the optimization of the client's entire website and under contract CTA optimization.

  • We will submit only clients' websites to search indexes.
  • We will provide an open and transparent knowledge base for our clients, offering details throughout the research and development of a campaign.
  • We will provide clear and detailed search ranking reports on a customized basis.
  • We will regularly review campaign performance and provide an expert campaign manager to resolve all monthly queries.
  • We will provide a clear and transparent charging structure.
  • We will actively encourage any client to move away from any practice that the agency considers to be a serious violation of search engine usage guidelines.
  • We will not promote any search terms that have no relevance to the content, products or services of the client's website.
  • We will not submit client websites to any automated link farms.
  • We will not sell any product in a misleading manner, nor will we offer deliberately misleading or inappropriate "guarantees" of results.

We consider our "no results, no commission" campaign management fee system to be fair and transparent. Furthermore, we will not set unreasonable outcomes for client expectations.

For further information, please contact us.